Preparing For Certification
Before you can certify and submit your application to the ATF, you will need to complete the following steps:
- Create an account on Silencer Shop – Go to SILENCERSHOP.COM and create an account. You can set up everything you need including purchasing of tax stamps and setting up trusts.
- Fingerprints and Photos – once your account is created, you can get your fingerprint recorded on our handy in-store kiosk. Once complete, your fingerprints will be added to your Silencer shop account. A photo can be taken with any smart phone. Please follow the directions provided by Silencer Shop.
- Create ATF EForms account – Go to EFORMS.ATF.GOV and create an account.
- IMPORTANT: The information you enter into your ATF account, including your name, address and email must be EXACTLY THE SAME as you entered into Silencer Shop account. Any difference will cause the application to be REJECTED!
Once you have completed all the above steps and Securité has completed our processing, you will be notified that you are ready to certify.
>> Securité will call you to certify. Please be ready<<
Make sure to have the following ready with the following:
[ ] ATF eforms account USRENAME and PIN
- NOTE: Your USERNAME will be automatically generated from your Efroms account creation.
- It will be the first letter of your first name, five letters of your last name, and 5 numbers.
- Your PIN is whatever 4 DIGIT code you set when creating your account”
[ ] Silencer Shop account USER NAME and PASSWORD
[ ] Use of a computer is recommended
– a seperate computer along with your phone will make the process easier.
NOTE: Due to unprecedented demand, we will contact you when we can certify. No in-store or in-person certifications will be done at this time.
A Securité Team member will walk you through the final steps of the certification.
Once certification is complete, the waiting begins. To see the latest estimates of WAIT TIMES click here
Securité Gun Club has a Silencer Visitation Program that allows you to visit with your suppressor while waiting for your stamp.
Spend some quality time with your silencer while waiting for final approval.
For more details, contact us directly 425-217-0800